Lenvica is a fashion magazine made in Japan.
レンヴィカ メイドイン ジャパン

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I would say, there's definitely, certain messages that I like to get out with certain outfits. I mean, obviously most of the time I'm dressing normally but like when I'm really like getting into it, I usually have a story or like a concept that like i'm trying to get across. I usually make my stuff. I make a lot of my own accessories and, and things like that.
I would say like around 2020. I feel like a lot of people had a fashion moment there. We were all inside and we were just dressing like whatever. And I, I was learning to make earrings at that time too. It, it was definitely a rough start. Like it was definitely a rough start to my fashion journey, but I started to realize what I liked and what I didn't like. I'm very self expressive through my fashion.
In 2020, how I was like, I was also discovering being trans. I was discovering my fashion definitely obviously over the internet. I couldn't go anywhere, but I was meeting more trans people and being inspired by them. I met a lot of people in nightlife too. I met my best friends and Yeah, oh my gosh, my best friend inspires me so much definitely. All that, all the, all the trans queer people around me definitely has to be my biggest inspiration. I really got into nightlife with like, I think, it's mostly through dating, I dated one person, and then I met their friends, and then now I just know a bunch of people in nightlife that are queer and trans. I keep going to raves and parties, and that's really how I meet people.
I proper went to a party, you know, not like a kid's party, like as an adult party. And it was just a bunch of queer people. That was definitely like eye opening for me, where I was like, "Oh my gosh, there's so many gay people, you just have to look in the right place." And everyone was dressed like themselves, like how they wanted to dress. That was definitely like eye opening to be like, there's people like me.
When I started really like putting meaning for my outfits, that's when I was first discovering my gender, when I was first saying I'm trans. That, it changed, you know, not just dressing to look nice, which I still do, but dressing like how I feel. I was just throwing shit on before that, to be honest, whatever I was in my closet. I think I like respect myself a little bit more fashion wise after that.
I am a theater major. Originally I've wanted to do acting and that's why I'm a theater major right now. I'm, I'm starting to get into drag art. Um, I really want to be a drag artist. That's really what I want to do. It still has to pertain with my fashion in a way. It, I think I always say that like acting helps with my self expression either way. And, if you're going to do drag art, you're doing acting in a way. So either way, I'm learning something that's going to help me for my art in the future. I mean, you know, they get on stage and they lip sync and there's some acting to it. There's a performance there. So yeah, so I definitely think acting helps with that. I've always been acting my whole life and I definitely love doing that.
But I, I love fashion and I love fashion. I love performing and I love having a message and I think, drag art is like definitely the place that I want to be in the future so I can do all that at the same time, definitely for sure.
I'm never gonna, I'm never gonna learn how to sync, but like, there's so many talents that come with being a drag artist. There's the wig, there's the makeup, there's the outfit, there's the dancing. There's so much that goes into it. I'm, I'm so fascinated. I've, I've definitely fell in love, I don't think I'm, I'm there yet, skill wise, but I'm learning slowly.
I definitely am into the messy look. Just, I don't know. It's, it's a, it makes me really, I can express my pain through that way. I definitely get out. It's, it's very therapeutic to, to dress like that for me. So I definitely am more into like, a messy, gory horror looked drag queen than more put together drag queen. I mean, it's still put together and glamorous in its own way. I know it sounds crazy, but I definitely feel prettiest when I'm in that. I just feel so pretty. I guess I would say I feel like myself. I think it's just, it feels like I'm wearing. My, my insides on the outside is when I feel like when I'm wearing it, it just feels like I'm being, truly what I, I feel when I wear that kind of outfit.
When I'm doing my messy look, I'm, I'm trying to say something about how I feel about my femininity. I always say to my friends and whatever it's like. It's like my, I always feel like, my, um, my womanhood is like rotting on the outside. Because it's like, I'm not, I'm not a woman. So it's like a visualization of like that. If that makes sense, I talk weird, I apologize. I definitely, um, struggle with the idea of, of like, like just because I have like a uterus, it means that like my purpose is to give birth. And that's always something that I've, been upset with and struggled with. And messy outfits are kind of talking about, how I just kind of fucking hate that. I mean, sexism is just something that you always are thinking about, you know, but like, it's, it's always been a problem. Like, if you're born a woman, it's, it's gonna be a problem for you. It's driving me mad and just completely rotting on the vision. So I visualize it completely rotting off the outside, like smeared lipstick and my hair is a mess. And there's pink clothes that are a little bit messy. I think of, people who, um, I've dated in the past and how they've treated me as a trans person, or just people that, have interacted with me as a trans person or as a woman before, like how it felt to be a woman as a teenager and how terrible that felt.
It's like putting a magnifying glass on one part of me, and that's what I'm dressing up as. And, I mean, that's not the complete version of me, and that's not the whole version of me, but it's, it's a part of me, and it feels good to, like, say, "Hey, this is a part of me and I want you to see it." It's still acting in the sense of, It's just expressing that part of me really bigly and making that huge instead of, even though there's so much more to me in reality, it's just showing that part to show the message that I'm trying to give off. I'm a very emotional person. A lot of times in my life, people have told me to tone down, uh, emotionality. I've, as a child, I was, was called a cry baby because I was always crying. And it really, it really helps to like, put it out in the open and express it in this way because it just it's like you can't look away. You can't look away from it.
I think I feel really comfortable in, I just feel comfortable in New York. I can't imagine, being born somewhere else or living somewhere else. I just can't. In New York, even if I was crazy, people would mind their business. And I feel like there's some, kindness in New York. Everybody is who you are. Like, it doesn't matter if you're some celebrity or whatever, or, or, or a crazy person. I really like that about New York. Even though I dress crazy, I don't like people coming up to me and talking to me all the time. So, in other places, that's definitely a problem. People will, will definitely talk to me if I'm dressed like that.