Lenvica is a fashion magazine made in Japan.
レンヴィカ メイドイン ジャパン

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Because so many people now these days, you don't know what, what their attention is, so I treat my style as armor, as a form of protection. Because, all my clothes are, really heavy. And, I wear a lot of leather. I wear a lot of just hard material because I always still want to feel protected. I always want to still feel covered. I always just want to keep myself in good energy and good headspace. And because some people may like my style, but they may not like me personally. They only might like me only for myself. So I just like to be comforted when I was in my school. I was like, okay, I can hide myself now. And I wanted to overcome that. Since I wasn't speaking, and since I wasn't actually putting that first step forward, I wasn't really getting anywhere. I feel like I was just being put into the corner by my own self, and I just, I wanted to overcome that because I just want it to be more. I want it to experience more. And that's why, through my style, I put that a sense of protection because I always want to feel, even though I'm putting myself out there, that I'm still protecting myself. I'm not just putting myself out there with no seatbelt. Like, I still got a seatbelt while I'm driving while I'm outside. Like something to fall back on. So that's why I kind of like, I'm still in that shy, but I just not put that shyness in my cool self.
Before I got into fashion, I was studying Applied Mathematics. I was studying nothing but numbers. It was numbers every day. And I took a moment and I realized that in every aspect of our life, we are always measured by numbers. What size you are, how much money you make, how you pass the test. It's always a number. Everything is a number. And it's scary. It's scary. That numbers can make or break you. And, I wanted to point out that they have a social security card. "x225"6 was just like a nickname that my partner would call me, like "2256." And, I call him 6696, which is his birthday is June 6th, 1996. And then X is my middle name. if you pay attention to like a lot of bridges and a lot of designs, the X in the symbol forming something together. So, I'm like, X is like the formation of who I am because it brings, X brings my first name and my last name together and 2256 is a number, just a random number out there. Do you know "Lilo and Stitch?" His experiment name was 226, or something like that. And I was like, "Wait, I like that," and then, the 2256. So, it kind of comes from "Lilo and Stitch."
I got into math because I realized how, just easy it was for me, and I really love numbers, and I really love formulas, I feel like math was the only subject that made sense to me in high school. I was really bad at English, I was really bad at science, and the only thing I was truly good at is math, so in college, I decided to study applied mathematics. I can literally help people with their algorithms. I started to realize how important math is in society.
However, I would say that's literally the thing that I agree with exactly that how math is already fixed. And I think that's the reason why I didn't go with a math career. It is because I started to realize like, yes, all these formulas are nice, but it's already made, you're following a formula and then you're using that formula to apply it to problems or whatever you do. And I kind of got frustrated because there's like no type of free thinking to math. You can teach math in a different way, but there's really no creativeness behind the actual math subject. And then, definitely, the differences is that with fashion, it has to be something free thinking, something that comes from you, and something that you can't, I mean, yes, you can look back for references, and but that doesn't determine how you move. Like you can move anyway, whichever way you want. And I feel like that's one of the ways why I transitioned from studying math to studying design because I was tired of just being restricted of what I can do. I realized that my mind wanted to expand way more than just following formulas. Cause I feel like, all my life, we just follow rules and we must abide by what we do because we're told to do this. And I'm like, I don't want to do this any more. I want to express my way in a unique way.
You start to learn more about yourself when you're unrestricted like you start to see how capable you are of things, right? If you were to tell me four years ago when I was studying math that I would learn how to sew and pattern make, I would look at you like, I would, that would never be me. But then I realized through design, how creative I am, how I can design, how I can turn anything into an actual piece. I feel like math was definitely restricting me in a way where I didn't think I can create a formula. I had to follow this, being unrestricted. It created a new view of life for me. I started to see things differently. I started to notice so much about things that I didn't see before how people dress. I started to go more into brands and more into people's styling. I discovered, I discovered a whole new world of myself, which I'm still learning to this day, diving deep into it.
I realized that me studying math was me being shy. It was definitely a correlation of, being like not wanting to be open, because, you know, people who study math, people call them nerds and, nerds have a certain lifestyle. They stay in the room or they do a study. I realized that I was associating my shyness with math and as I start to become more confident and more expressive, and not saying that I couldn't be that in math, but since my shyness was associated with math, that's what happened. And now I started to become more confident. That's when design came into the foreplay and that's when I really started to be out there, loving fashion.